Effie Meadows
Effie Meadows' Bio
Effie Meadows is a stand-up comedian and writer (she wrote this bio). You probably haven’t heard of her, but you’ve almost certainly know her work. Have you ever called something “fire” before? Yeah she coined that! Despite being largely obscure to America at large, she’s been making waves in Los Angeles’ underground comedy scene for years, where she has been carving out a space for herself as a young, trans comic in an industry still largely dominated by men. A truly alternative comic, Effie cut her teeth performing at dive bars, house parties, basement shows, and even public restrooms (don’t ask), instead of in traditional clubs, where she’s developed a wholly original style of comedy that’s as shocking and dark as it is vulnerable and optimistic. Deemed, “too edgy for the 6pm show,” Effie will make you laugh saying all the things you wish you could say , but aren’t allowed to anymore. Seriously buy tickets to all of her shows now so you can say you saw her before she blew up!